
CONFERENCE (DOMESTIC) ショッピングサイトにおける優良顧客の離脱防止施策について

笹谷 奈翁美、坪内 孝太、田代 昭悟、鍜治 伸裕清水 伸幸

2016年度人工知能学会全国大会(第30回) (JSAI2021)

June 06, 2016

This paper describes our attempts to keep loyal customers coming back to EC site. Using machine-learning techniques, we develop a method for detecting the signs of customers leaving EC service. We evaluate the proposed method not only by using off-line data but also by implementing marketing champagne in actual service. This research is useful for those seeking to better understand EC service.

Paper : ショッピングサイトにおける優良顧客の離脱防止施策について (external link)